Friday, February 1, 2013

Justin Bieber Paparazzo Death: Why Nothing Will Change, No Matter What Miley Cyrus Wants

Justin BieberA paparazzo was just killed chasing someone he thought was Justin Bieber. First Princess Diana, now this. Are we finally going to get new laws to rein in these vultures? ?F.J., via...

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Thursday, January 31, 2013

New Year 2013 - Plan Transformational Changes

Begin this New Year with something different and dramatic. Why not settle for a momentous change in the Year 2013. A change, a quantum leap that will leave you and your life transformed forever. What better time than to set your thoughts on a historic high and make a change so dramatic, the world should sit up and take note.

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Main Types of Crepe Maker Appliances

A tasty and light dessert, the crepes are quick and easy to make and can be filled with a range of fillings consisting of fruit, chocolate, eggs, or just plain sugar. Even though the process of cooking in a non-stick pan is quite straightforward, the convenience of the electric-based machines makes the process so much easier. In view of the fact that the crepe maker makes the cooking process of this pancake like dessert so simple, they are starting to become extremely popular in home kitchens.

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The Quest for Significance

Are you living a life of 'quiet desperation'? Discover your purpose and put yourself on track to attracting the life you desire!

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Past Life Therapy: The Experience

Past life therapy is the use of hypnosis to regress a subject to relive past lives. If you wonder what past life therapy is like, the experiences my subjects have shared are insightful, even though they do not remember them. I record the sessions so they can listen to and contemplate them later.

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'Vampire Diaries': Klaus Takes On an Unexpected Role in Stefan-Damon's Feud (Exclusive Video)

THR has an exclusive first look at Thursday's episode, with the Original vampire playing middle man with the Salvatore brothers.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Lawsuit Over 'Rebecca' Musical Now Focuses on Role of Publicist

Does claiming to be a "whistle-blower" -- when the job of a publicist might entail presenting a production in a positive light -- provide a legal defense?

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